Lacto Japan discusses risk management via the Risk Management Committee chaired by the Managing Director. In addition, we manage credit risk under the leadership of the Finance Department.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

Lacto Japan recognizes that business continuity in the event of a major emergency, such as an earthquake or other natural disaster, terrorist attack, or infectious disease, and ensuring the safety of Group executives, employees, their families, and related parties, are important issues. We perform crisis management activities on a regular basis so that in the event of a serious emergency we can quickly ensure the safety of Group executives, employees, their families, and related parties.


We have already introduced a safety check system for all employees working in Japan. We promote the use of the system by conducting regular drills and providing feedback on responses throughout the Group.


We also have emergency food and supplies, enough for three days, at our Tokyo head office.
Furthermore, by reviewing workflows and promoting the use of web conferencing tools since the pandemic, we have created a system that will enable work to be carried out as normal even when employees don’t come into the office.

Private power generation system
Private power generation system

Information Security Initiatives

Information security is supervised by the Corporate Staff Division. In particular, the Business Accounting Department is responsible for the planning and management of our ICT infrastructure. The Business Accounting Department was established in April 2019 and also runs systems related to management accounting.


Since the department was launched, we have actively utilized cloud services, maintained stable operations by duplicating servers and other equipment, and proactively planned and strengthened security measures such as measures to prevent unauthorized access. We are also striving to raise security awareness within the Company by regularly conducting security training in line with recent trends. As regards the use of social media by employees, we have clearly set out our Social Media Guidelines and thoroughly ensure that employees are familiar with them.


In the future, we will strive to strengthen information security in preparation for risks such as cyber terrorism and we will reinforce training for employees. Note that, to date, no actual complaints have been filed regarding infringement of customer privacy or loss of customer data.


Lacto Japan discusses compliance via the Compliance Committee chaired by the Managing Director. We also conduct compliance training for all employees every year to ensure that they are fully aware of compliance matters.

Prevention of Insider Trading

The Company has established its Regulations to Prevent Insider Trading to appropriately manage important corporate information, prevent insider trading, and disclose information fairly. At the same time, we raise awareness through training for all Group executives and employees to ensure thorough information management and to prevent insider trading.

Management of Trademarks

The trademarks owned by Lacto Japan are centrally managed by the head office, as a rule, and advice is appropriately received from outside patent attorneys. Some of the trademarks owned by Singapore’s manufacturing department are locally managed.

Corruption Prevention

We have clearly specified regulations on the prevention of corruption in the Corporate Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Officers and Employees. To date, no legal action has been taken against the Company based on the occurrence of anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, or monopolistic practices.

In addition, there have been no cases of political contributions in Japan or overseas. Lacto Japan has not been subject to any severe fines or sanctions other than fines stemming from the violation of laws and regulations.